Build Your Home Store the Delicious Way with Thrive Foods
Thrive Foods are all natural and harvested at their peak of perfection. The vibrant natural colors and delicious flavors make these foods very desirable. Thrive Foods are organized in 6 categories making it easy to provide your family with balanced meals.
- Grains
- Vegetables
- Fruits
- Dairy
- Meats & Beans
- Basics
Thrive freeze dried products have a shelf life of 25 years, unopened. They are wonderful to store for emergencies but equally convenient for use in your everyday meals. Thrive freeze dried foods:
- 100% natural with no added preservatives
- Are easy to rehydrate
- Are easy to use in your own recipes
- Make it possible to cut down on wasted food
- Cut down on preparation time because they are already chopped
- Come in a large variety - fruit, vegetables, cheeses, yogurt, meats etc.
- Can be eaten just as they are or rehydrated.
Thrive foods can be purchased in:
- #10 cans
- Pantry cans
- Convenient small pouches
- Buckets
- Assorted food packages and single food group packages
Beside being convenient, long lasting, nutritious and desirable, Thrive Foods are very affordable. If you are interested in more information please check my website at
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